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Program. 22th Habanos Festival 2020

来源:哈瓦那雪茄之家 时间:2019-10-15 21:10:36 热度:

22th Habanos Festival

General Program

Official Languages

Spanish, English

 Domingo 23/02

10:00 – 16:00

Registration. (Convention Center)

 Lunes 24/02

09:00 – 16:00

Registration. (Convention Center)  

10:00 – 11:00

Press Conference. Convention Center / Room 4

11:30 – 17:00


3th Habanos World Challenge Preliminary Contest / Room 3

14:00 – 14:30        Trade Fair Opening

 19:00    Welcome evening devoted to Bolívar Reserva brand,  Cosecha 2016.                                        Club Habana 

Martes 25/02

09:00 – 16:00      Registration. (Convention Center)  

07:30 – 13:00    Visit  to tobacco plantations, Partido Zone (D.O.P) San Antonio de los

                          Baños, Artemisa

Miércoles 26/02

09:00 – 16:00    Registration. (Convention Center)  

09:30 – 09:45      International Seminar Opening. Convention Center /Room 4

09:45 – 10:45       Master Lecture by Ciro Bianchi./ Room 3                             

10:45 – 11:15      Coffee Break

11:15 – 12:30      Master Class on rolling technique “Totally handmade”. (Sala1)

                          La confección de un parejo. Ponente: Miguel Barzaga

12.45 – 14:15    Lunch at  “El Bucán “ Restaurant

14:30 -15:30      Master Lecture /  Room 3 “El Bello Habano” by Reynaldo González

15.45. – 17:00  Special Tasting/ Room 1

19.00              Evening dedicated to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of La Casa del Habano

                       and 85th Anniversary of the Montecristo brand.                       

Jueves 27/02

09:00 -16:00 

09:00 -12:00

Registration. (Convention Center)

Visit to Habanos Factories. “ La Corona” and “Partagás”

12:30 -14:30

Lunch at “El Bucán”. Restaurant

14:45 -16:00

16:15 -17:30

Special Tasting / Room 1

Habanos Moments / Rooms 3 and 4

Viernes 28/02

 09:00 – 13:00

Registration ( Convention Center)

09:30 – 12:00      Final of the Habanos World Challenge Contest / Room 1

12:00 – 12:30        Coffee break

12:30 -13:00     Zenith and Habanos presentation ( Habanos´ Stand)

13:00 -14:00      Closure of the Seminar and Trade Fair. / Room 4

                          Awarding Ceremony to Best stands by category and winners of the

                          Habanos World Challenge Contest    

14:00 – 15:30    Farewell lunch at “El Bucán”. Restaurant

  19:00               Gala Evening dedicated to Romeo y Julieta brand.                    

                        Traditional Humidor´s Auction.

                        PABEXPO, Room C
